PhD project

Metabolic engineering for bioproduction of terpenoids

Tomáš Pluskal
Tomáš Pluskal Group
Biochemistry of Plant Specialized Metabolites


Our lab combines cutting-edge experimental (e.g., LC-MS, metabolomics, RNA-seq) and computational (e.g., bioinformatics, molecular networking, machine learning) approaches to develop new workflows for the discovery and utilization of bioactive molecules derived from plants. The aim of this project will be to engineer new microbial platforms for the bioproduction of terpenoid precursors and terpenoids derived from them.

Field of study:
 Biochemistry and bioorganic chemistry


PhD students must be enrolled in a partner university and will be employed by the IOCB Prague at the same time (part-time or full time), which results in a competitive salary (a scholarship from the university + a salary from the IOCB). Each university has its own process, terms, and deadlines for PhD applications, which is separate from the IOCB recruitment process. You may discuss the details with the respective PI.

How to apply

Please return to the PhD projects at IOCB Prague – Call for Applications 2025 page and follow the instructions.

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