PhD project

Multiphotochromic molecular machines

Jiří Kaleta
Jiří Kaleta Group
Molecular Devices


The project focuses on the development and study of special light-switchable organic molecules that mimic the function of biological systems. These synthetic "molecular machines" will be composed of various photoswitches and molecular motors, with their individual components selectively switched or activated using light of specific wavelengths.

The primary goal of the Ph.D. project is the preparation and detailed investigation of these unique molecules and their potential application in the construction of functional prototypes of molecular machines. Emphasis will be placed on different combinations of photoswitches and the methods of their interconnection (orthogonal vs. non-orthogonal).

Field of study:
 Organic chemistry


PhD students must be enrolled in a partner university and will be employed by the IOCB Prague at the same time (part-time or full time), which results in a competitive salary (a scholarship from the university + a salary from the IOCB). Each university has its own process, terms, and deadlines for PhD applications, which is separate from the IOCB recruitment process. You may discuss the details with the respective PI.

How to apply

Please return to the PhD projects at IOCB Prague – Call for Applications 2025 page and follow the instructions.

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