
Amino Acid Interaction (INTAA) web server

26 July 2017

Jiří Vondrášek and colleagues from the Bionformatics group at IOCB Prague presented in Nucleic Acids Research a new web tool for theoreticians as well as bench scientists studying the properties of biomolecules and their interactions.

The Amino Acid Interaction web server, or INTAA, offers two services: The Interaction Energy Matrix Web Application identifies key residues within protein structures that contribute significantly to the stability of the protein; while The Amino Acid-Nucleotide Interactions Web Server allows the user to view the relative abundance of various configurations of amino acid–deoxyribonucleotide pairs found at the protein–DNA interface and their interaction energies.

The original paper:

  • Jakub Galgonek, Jiří Vymětal, David Jakubec, Jiří Vondrášek; Amino Acid Interaction (INTAA) web server. Nucleic Acids Res 2017; 45 (W1): W388-W392.

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