IOCB Doctoral fellowships

IOCB Prague offers several doctoral fellowships in chemistry and biochemistry every year, funded by the IOCB Fellowship Program to initiate or enhance collaboration between IOCB PIs and their counterparts from foreign laboratories. The fellowships are granted for 2–6 months and can only be awarded once to the applicant. Regular submission deadlines are twice a year on 1 April and 1 October.

The institute provides a gross monthly salary of CZK 35,000 plus compulsory employer-paid health and social insurance contributions. The salary is subject to income tax. Full health insurance coverage is part of the fellowship. Based on availability, temporary accommodation in one of the guest houses of the institute or the Czech Academy of Sciences may be offered at affordable rent.

The committee considers applications of strong candidates based on the quality and significance of the research stay.

Application, reporting

Interested researchers need to contact a prospective group leader/mentor at IOCB and agree with them on a research project before their application can be submitted. The project proposal should be consulted with the applicant’s mentor but prepared solely by the applicant. Two letters of support are required, one from the foreign PhD supervisor and the other from the IOCB group leader.

The applicant subsequently submits the application package, as a single PDF file to the prospective group leader/mentor. The group leader will submit the application to

Final evaluation results will be announced to applicants within one month of the selection meeting.

The fellowship must be started within 12 months of the award committee's decision, except in cases of maternity/parental leave (18 months extension). If a later start is intended, the committee will require a new proposal to be submitted.

Recipients of an IOCB Doctoral Fellowship must submit the final report before the end of the employment contract at IOCB Prague to the committee. The report should include a summary of results as well as possible plans for further work to be undertaken. The final report must be sent to as a single PDF file by the prospective group leader.

The application must include:

  • The applicant’s CV and contacts (address, e-mail, phone)
  • A cover letter outlining the motivation for the application
  • The name of the IOCB group leader/mentor and the envisaged starting date of the fellowship
  • A project proposal: a concise introduction, well-defined objectives, a proposed solution, an anticipated timeline, a brief risk analysis, and references to relevant literature (max. 3 pages)
  • A support letter from the IOCB group leader
  • A support letter from the applicant’s PhD supervisor at the foreign institution

The final report must include:

  • A cover letter
  • A summary of the results as well as possible plans for further work to be undertaken (1–2 pages)


More details are available on the IOCB Intraweb (internal access only). 

For more information please contact Dr. Iva Pichová: