Zeiss LSM 980 / Airyscan 2 Confocal Microscope

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Zeiss LSM 780 confocal microscope system offers ultimate sensitivity for demanding confocal imaging work. Equipped with a motorized stage, an autofocus device, and a full stage-top incubator, the 780 is the perfect microscope for high-end live cell imaging. Our system is mounted on tuned damped Newport ST-UT 2 optical table.

Axio Observer A1 (Zeiss) is research stand for demanding multimodal imaging life sciences samples. This inverted microscope offers the latest generation of LED illumination for gentle imaging. And creates the optimal environment for a whole range of samples to deliver reliable, reproducible data.

Leica SP8 laser scanning microscope is an advanced multicolor semi-super-resolution imaging system to image fixed or live sample with fast acquisition in 4D. The tunable white light laser allows users to select the optimum laser line for the maximum excitation of fluorophores. Used for advanced techniques (FLIM - Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, FCCS - Fluorescence Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy).

WITec alpha300R Confocal Raman Microscope is equipped with three excitation lasers: 355 nm (UV), 532 nm (green) and 633 nm (red). The microscope can operate in upright mode.