HR Award – Milestones
- February: Lenka Žáková was elected as a new Ethical Proxy, taking over the role from Zuzana Kečkéšová
- December: "Equal Opportunities at IOCB Prague in Numbers – Annual report (October 2024)" report was published.
- January: EC Consensus Report for HR Award Interim Assessment was received. IOCB successfully passed from the implementation phase to the renewal phase of HR Award.
- January: "Equal Opportunities at IOCB Prague in Numbers – Annual report (November 2023)" was published.
- November: An internal review for the HR Award Interim assessment was submitted.
- November: An updated version of the "HR Award – HR Strategy & Action Plan (Interim Assessment, Fall 2023)" was published.
- May: Equal Opportunities Officer Blanka Collis has passed the "Gender Equality in the Institution and Gender Equality Plans I" course provided by the Centre for Gender & Science (NKC) by the Institute of Sociology of the CAS.
- January: The IOCB Code of Ethics for Researchers was published and the Ethics Commission established.
- November: "Equal Opportunities at IOCB Prague – Monitoring Report 2022" describing the progress on short-term goals was published.
- August: "Equal Opportunities at IOCB Prague in Numbers Report" was published.
- February: Blanka Collis was appointed as Equal Opportunities Officer.
- January: The Equal Opportunities Plan was published.