6 × FPLC systém ÄKTA purifier

Obrázek 6 × FPLC systém ÄKTA purifier

The ÄKTA purifier (GE Healthcare/Amersham Biosciences) represents advanced Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) system for analytical and preparative, laboratory scale, chromatography. The system offers a broad, accurate, flow-rate range, coupled with advanced gradient control and monitoring systems under the control of UNICORN Software ensuring precise, reliable and reproducible operation.

    P-900 series pump (0.001-10 or 20 mL/min dual mode; 25 MPa)
    UV-900 multi-wavelength UV monitor (3 wavelengths; range 190-700 nm)
    pH/C-900 monitor (0-14 pH units, 0.001 – 999.9 mS/cm)
    Box-900 (up to six 1L bottles)
    Frac-950 fraction collector
    Unicorn software
