Systém pro časově korelované fluorescenční jednofotonové čítaní

  • Speciální optické přístroje
Obrázek Systém pro časově korelované fluorescenční jednofotonové čítaní

Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting Fluorescence System is used for determination of fluorescence lifetimes and time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy. The system is useful for following molecular rotations, especially the motion of rotor molecules included in TPP. Key parts of the system are:

  • Coherent Mira 900 Ti:Sapphire laser system
  • Coherent Harmonic Generator 9300s
  • APE Pulse Select - tool of choice for pulse picking from trains of pulses from ultrafast laser systems
  • CVI Melles Griot research grade optical tabletop
  • cryocooled sample chamber 


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