Prof. Petr Klán (Přírodovědecká fakulta, Masarykova univerzita, Brno)
Transition-metal-free releasing compounds activatable by visible to NIR light
Datum a čas
23. dubna 2019, 15:00
Přednáškový sál ÚOCHB (budova A, 2. NP, A2.01)
Photoactivatable compounds, also called caged compounds, are those which, upon photoactivation, irreversibly release a species possessing desirable physical, chemical, or biological qualities. Short-wavelength UV radiation is not compatible with many biological and medical applications because it can induce adverse side-reactions. Photorelease induced by red or NIR light is most desired, as the tissue absorption is limited by the absorption of hemoglobin below 600 nm and absorption of water over 900 nm.
Only a few known photoactivatable (caged) molecules can be activated directly by visible/NIR light because the delivered excitation energy is in principle too low for a covalent bond cleavage. In the past 5 years, we have introduced several new chromophores absorbing in the region of 600-1100 nm that can release biologically relevant species,1-3 for example, H2S or CO as gaseous signaling molecules. The design, photoreaction mechanisms, spectroscopy and biological applications of these systems will be presented.
- Palao E., Slanina T., Muchová L., Šolomek T., Vítek L., Klán P.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 126-133.
- Slanina T., Shrestha P., Palao E., Kand D., Peterson J., Dutton A., Rubinstein N., Weinstain R., Winter A., Klán P.: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 15168-15175.
- Šolomek T., Wirz J., Klán P.: Acc. Chem. Res. 2015, 48, 3064-3072.