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  • Přednáška: Štěpán Jurajda – Women in Science – What do we know? (Týden Akademie věd)

Přednáška: Štěpán Jurajda – Women in Science – What do we know? (Týden Akademie věd)

4. listopadu 2024
ÚOCHB, Flemingovo nám. 2, Praha 6–Dejvice
🕤 Datum a čas

4. listopadu 2024, 10:00

📌 Místo

ÚOCHB, Flemingovo nám. 2, Praha 6–Dejvice

Téma: Why are there so few women in science? We will start with general lessons (from labor economics) on what drives the labor-market participation of educated women. Next, we will discuss the evolution of the participation of women in science, and nature vs. institutions/social norms as driving factors. Finally, we will review causal (as opposed to descriptive) evidence on policies that increase the participation of women in science, esp. in STEM fields.

Přednášku organizuje iniciativa Women in Science at IOCB.

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Kompletní program Týdne Akademie věd v našem ústavu najdete zde.

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