Granty Evropské komise
ERC – Granty Evropské výzkumné rady
Advanced granty
- Q-SCALING: Doing Charges Right: Modelling Ion-Controlled Biological Processes with the Correct Toolbox, Project no. 101095957, European Research Council (ERC), 2023–2028 (Pavel Jungwirth)
- Dipolar Rotor Array: Regular arrays of artificial surface-mounted dipolar molecular rotors, Project no. AdG 227756, European Research Council (ERC), 2009–2014 (Josef Michl)
- HORIZOMS: New Horizons for Mass Spectrometry, Project no. AdG 226373, European Research Council (ERC), 2009–2013 (terminated prematurely) (Detlef Schröder)
Starting granty
- AtropShape: Catalytic Atroposelective Synthesis for Revealing Elusive Bioactive Conformations and Shapes, Project no. 101160990, European Research Council (ERC), 2025–2029 (Paulo Paioti)
- StressRNaction: Non-canonical RNA caps – cellular reaction to environment and stress, Project no. 101041374, European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), 2022–2027 (Hana Cahová)
- SOLBATT: Storage of Electrons into Chemical Bonds: Towards Molecular Solar Electrical Batteries, Project no. 101041554, European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), 2022–2027 (Tomáš Slanina)
- SWEETOOLS: Smart biologics: developing new tools in glycobiology, Project no. StG 677465, European Research Council (ERC), 2016–2021 (Milan Vrábel)
Consolidator granty
- TerpenCode: Decoding the Biochemistry of Terpene Synthases (European Research Council, Project no. 101170268, European Research Council (ERC), 2025–2029 (Tomáš Pluskal)
Proof of Concept granty
- CHEMCELL: Chemical Engineering of Natural Killer Cells for Cancer Immunotherapy, Project no. 101081736, European Research Council Executive Agency (ERCEA), 2022–2024 (Milan Vrábel)
ERC CZ – Národní program
- Viral RNA modifications – The essential steps in protein cofactors, Project no. LL1603, MŠMT – ERC CZ (LL), 2017–2021 (Hana Cahová)
Kolaborativní projekty
- C-QuENS: Capacitation of Quantum-Entangled NV-Center Sensing, Project no. 101135359, European Commission (EC Horizon Europe), 2024–2027 (Petr Cígler)
- RESYNC: Functional chemical reprogramming of cancer cells to induce antitumor immunity, Project no. 101130218, European Commission (EC European Innovation Council), 2024–2026 (Zlatko Janeba)
- BlueRemediomics: Harnessing the marine microbiome for novel sustainable biogenics and ecosystem services, Project no. 101082304, European Commission (EC Horizon Europe), 2022–2026 (Jiří Vondrášek)
- SMELLODI: Smart electronic olfaction for body odor diagnostics, Project no. 101046369, European Commission (EC European Innovation Council), 2022–2025 (Robert Hanus)
- SysteMTb: Systems biology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Project no. 241587, European Commission (EC FP7), 2010–2014 (Iva Pichová)
- DINAMO: Development of Diamond Intracellular Nanoprobes for Oncogene Transformation Dynamics Monitoring in Living cells, Project no. 245122, European Commission (EC FP7), 2010–2013 (Miroslav Ledvina)
Akce Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA)
- ModBioTerp: Modelling the Biochemistry of Terpene Synthases, Project no. 101168583, European Commission (HORIZON-MSCA-2023-DN), 2024–2028 (Tomáš Pluskal, Robert Hanus)
- Act Bio: Accurate Computational Tools for Biomolecular Vibrational Spectroscopy, Project no. 101107213, European Commission (HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF), 2024–2026 (Qin Yang)
- Deciphering the interplay between the fusogens and the membrane curvature by means of molecular simulations, Project no. 1232799, European Commission (MSCA4Ukraine), 2023–2025 (Semen Yesylevskyy)
- FLORIN: FLuorescent nanO-agents for super-Resolution Imaging and seNsing, Project no. 101086142, European Commission (HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE), 2022–2026 (Petr Cígler)
- ChemiQS: Nanodiamonds with defect centres offer great potential for quantum sensing in biology, Project no. 101038045, European Commission (H2020; WF-03-2020), 2022–2024 (Michal Gulka)
- KavaTarget: Identification of molecular targets of psychoactive kavalactones using iBodies, Project no. 891397, European Commission (H2020; MSCA-IF-2019), 2021–2024 (Tomáš Pluskal)
- PhotoRedOx: Spectroscopic and Computational Elucidation of Transition Metal Photoredox Mechanisms, Project no. 883987, European Commission (H2020; MSCA-IF-2019), 2021–2024 (Daniel Bím)
- NATURE – ETN: Nucleic Acids for Future Gene Editing, Immunotherapy and Epigenetic Sequence Modification, Project no. 861381, European Commission (H2020; MSCA-ITN-2019), 2020–2024 (Michal Hocek)
- HEL4CHIROLED: Helical Systems for Chiral Organic Light-Emitting Diodes, Project no. 859752, European Commission (H2020; MSCA-ITN-2019), 2020–2023 (Irena Stará) [více o projektu]
- ProTeCT: Proteasome as a target to combat trichomoniasis, Project no. 846688, European Commission (H2020; MSCA-IF-2018), 2019–2022 (Pavla Fajtová)
- ClickGene:Click Chemistry for Future Gene Therapies to Benefit Citizens, Researchers and Industry, Project no. 642023, European Commission (H2020; MSCA-ITN-2014), 2015–2018 (Michal Hocek) [více o projektu]
- FLUOR 21: Synthesis, structure and function of fluorinated systems, Project no. 607787, European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN – Marie-Curie Action: “Initial Training Network”), 2014–2018 (Petr Beier)
- Rhomboid substrates: Substrate specificity, mechanism and biological roles of rhomboid intramembrane proteases, Project no. 304154, European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG – Marie-Curie Action: “Career Integration Grants”), 2013–2017 (Kvido Stříšovský)
- StarPI4K: Structural targeting of PI4 kinases, Project no. 333916, European Commission (FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG – Marie-Curie Action: “Career Integration Grants”), 2013–2017 (Evžen Bouřa)
Výzkumné infrastruktury
- ELIXIR-STEERS, Project no. 101131096, European Commission (HORIZON-INFRA-2023-DEV), 2024–2027 (Jiří Vondrášek) [více o projektu]
- ELIXIR-CONVERGE: Connect and align ELIXIR Nodes to deliver sustainable FAIR life-science data management services, Project no. 871075, European Commission (H2020; INFRADEV-03-2018-2019), 2020–2023 (Jiří Vondrášek) [více o projektu]
- ELIXIR-EXCELERATE: Fast-track ELIXIR implementation and drive early user exploitation across the life-sciences, Project no. 676559, European Commission (H2020; INFRADEV-3-2015 ), 2015–2019 (Jiří Vondrášek) [více o projektu]
Joint Programming
- EXTRASENSE: Color centers in diamond nanoneedles for intra- and EXTRA-cellular quantum SENSing (QuantERA II Call 2023), 2024–2026 (Petr Cígler)
- TRIPLE: Transforming RDF Interoperability with Solid Pods for next Level Experience, European Commission (CHIST-ERA IV Call Open Research Data 2022), 2023–2025 (Jiří Vondrášek)
- Gums&Brain: Alzheimer’s disease as a co-morbidity of chronic periodontitis with Porphyromonas gingivalis as a causative link between both diseases, European Commission (JPI JPND-2019) 2020–2023 (Jan Konvalinka) [více o projektu]
- RIBOTARGET: Development of Novel Ribosome-Targeting Antibiotics, European Commission (JPI AMR-2018) 2019–2022 (Dominik Rejman) [více o projektu]
- NanoSpin: Spin-based anolytics – Turning today’s quantum technology research frontier into tomorrow’s diagnostic devices, European Commission (ERA-NET, QuantERA-2017), 2018–2021 (Petr Cígler)