Nejnovější publikace

Direct Synthesis and Characterization of Hydrophilic Cu-Deficient Copper Indium Sulfide Quantum Dots
ACS Omega 9 (15): 17114–17124 (2024)
Real-time Imaging of Nascent DNA in Live Cells by Monitoring the Fluorescence Lifetime of DNA-Incorporated Thiazole Orange-Modified Nucleotides
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (38): e202307548 (2023)
Dynamics of transition dipole moment orientation in representative fluorescent proteins
Physiological Chemistry and Physics 25 (33): 22117–22123 (2023)
Kinetics and Energetics of Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Single-Point Labeled TUPS-Cytochrome c Derivatives
Molecules 26 (22): 6976 (2021)