Nejnovější publikace

Peripheral administration of lipidized NPAF and NPFF analogs does not influence central food intake regulation but induces anxiety-like behavior
Neuropeptides 104: 102417 (2024)
Anorexigenic neuropeptides as anti-obesity and neuroprotective agents: exploring the neuroprotective effects of anorexigenic neuropeptides
Bioscience Reports 44 (4): BSR20231385 (2024)
Peptid uvolňující prolaktin: neuropeptid s nevhodným jménem, ale vhodnými vlastnostmi pro léčbu obezity, diabetu 2. typu i Alzheimerovy nemoci
Chemické listy 117 (12): 732-738 (2023)
Feeding High-Fat Diet Accelerates Development of Peripheral and Central Insulin Resistance and Inflammation and Worsens AD-like Pathology in APP/PS1 Mice
Nutrients 15 (17): 3690 (2023)